

At Mandeville Primary School, we are committed to supporting the positive mental health and wellbeing of our whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers). We recognise that our mental health and emotional wellbeing is just as important to our lives as our physical health. We know that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement. At Mandeville we are committed to removing barriers to learning and work hard to equip children with strategies to manage in times of change, difficulty and stress. We will continue to address and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health difficulties and empower children, staff and parents to reach out and access help when they need it most. We continue to promote positive mental health and wellbeing as an integral part of everything we do.


We have purpose built wellbeing rooms and facilities to provide safe and welcoming spaces for interventions and therapy. We created a sensory room and utilise spaces inside and outside classrooms to create calm areas for children to support their self-regulation.


Mandeville’s Named Mental Health Lead – Chrissy Lamming




Mandeville's Wellbeing in-school support offer 2019-2020
