
Latest News

  • Friendship Award

    Fri 21 Dec 2018 E. Bundy

    This term Lexie was nominated for the Friendship Award. Lexie is very kind a caring member of the Ladybirds class who is everyone's friend. Lexi is quick to notice if someone is hurt, upset or all alone and always offers to look after them or play with them. She went out of her way to make the new members of our school feel welcome in September by offering to show them around and including them in her games.

    Lexie also takes as much pride in her friends' successes as she does her own and will often point out someone else's new learning to the adults in the class so that everyone can celebrate. Well done Lexie! 

  • Year 1 outdoor area.

    Thu 06 Dec 2018 E. Bundy
    On Saturday, further work was carried out to improve the Year 1 outdoor area. The compost bins were emptied and relocated. The tyres were filled up with soil, ready to plant flowers and plants in during the Spring term and bark mulch was spread across the area to make it more accessible. Big thanks to Mr Morris, Mrs Davies, Miss Miller and Mr Howell for giving up their Saturday to help with the gardening efforts!