

Starting at Mandeville

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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.


General information on all application processes is available on the Herts County Council website


As an Academy we manage all of our own in-year admissions and Nursery admissions whilst Herts County Council co-ordinates our Reception admissions.


Nursery Admissions


Nursery hours are 8.40 am to 11.50 pm Monday to Friday.  We offer non-flexible places five days a week, 3 hours per day, we do not offer part time places. Our nursery is only available to children in the year before they start compulsory education (e.g. the academic year in which they turn 4). 


For children whose date of birth is between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, admissions closed on Friday 23rd February 2024. 


If you have any questions about our nursery please contact us



Reception Admissions


The application process for September 2024 (for children whose date of birth is between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020) closed on 15 January 2024.  Allocation day for primary school places was 16th April 2024


Allocations are managed by Hertfordshire County Council and all important dates are detailed on their website here. 


In-Year Admissions


As an academy we co-ordinate all of our own in-year admissions.

If you would like to apply for a place at Mandeville School please contact the school on 01727 519220 or complete the in-year application form below.

Please return the completed application form via email to

We will respond to your application within 2 working days during term time with the outcome of your application. We aim to inform you in writing within 10 working days about the outcome of your application and no longer than 15 days.

Emails are monitored during the school holidays and we will respond to you within 14 days with the outcome of your application.


We welcome all applications and if we do not currently have a place we can advise you on the status of our current waiting lists.

Places for years in which we are over-subscribed are allocated in line with the HCC Admission rules - our Determined Admissions Criteria Document can be found below.


A hard copy of all the information and documentation is available on request from the school office. 

We will inform the local authority of all in-year applications within 2 days of the outcome.


Secondary Admissions


If your child is in Year 6 you needed to apply for their secondary school place by Tuesday 31st October.


Further information about moving to secondary school can be found at

Nursery Application Form

In-Year Application form
