


“In reality it is through classroom assessment that attitudes, skills, knowledge and thinking are fostered, nurtured and accelerated” (Hynes, 1991).


Staff at Mandeville use professional judgement, supported by pupil voice, work in books and summative data, to judge whether a child is working at, below or above age related expectations in core subjects. 


There are three strands of assessment at Mandeville:



Continuous assessment for learning with immediate feedback and next steps. It is a two way dialogue with pupils that is recorded and informs planning. It is filled with rich question and answer sessions that deepen thinking.


Gap analysis

Narrow statements within topics or units which can be assessed with a yes/no decision for each pupil. The results of this will inform planning and identify targeted groups.



This summarises where learners are at a given point, to provide a snapshot of attainment.


Please click here to view our Assessment Policy.
