

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

The school Governors are unpaid volunteers, who oversee the life and work of the school. We meet at least twice each term and receive reports from the Head Teacher and, members of staff; this keeps us informed about what is happening day to day in school and whether the objectives of the school improvement plan are being achieved. Governors are regularly in school and wear a badge to identify themselves, they welcome comments and contact with parents. 


Purpose of the Local School Committee

The Local School Committee is a corporate body. This means it has a legal existence separate from that of its individual members. As long as governors have acted honestly, without ulterior motive, and reasonably, within the law and regulations, the Local School Committee cannot be held to account as individuals for any liabilities incurred by the Local School Committee.


Being a school governor is a voluntary position with committee members, these days, now being considered as part of the school Leadership and Management team, subject to Ofsted Inspection. Whilst governance is strategic, management relates to operational functions. Governance has three core strategic functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of the staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

(DfE Governance Handbook)


In practice, this means that governors are involved in decisions with respect to finance, resources and premises whilst analysing pupil performance data, including progress and attainment, as well as attendance, etc. All aspects of the role involve scrutiny, monitoring and evaluation.

If you wish to contact a school governor please use the "contact us" facility on the website or ask at the school office, who will be happy to forward your query.


Correspondence for the personal attention of the Chair of Governors or Clerk of Governors should be addressed "care of" the school.


Chair of Governors

Mr Ed Holloway


Vice-Chair of Governors

Mrs Mandy Abley


Clerk to the Governors

Mr Patrick Aikman


The Local School Committee (LSC) meets at least once a term; the dates of the LSC meetings for the year 2023-2024 are:


Tuesday 3rd October

Tuesday 28th November

Tuesday 30th January

Tuesday 19th March

Tuesday 7th May

Tuesday 25th June


Signed Minutes and Agenda of future Governors' Meetings are available at the school office.

Governors who have held the office in last 12 months:

Mr Ed Holloway - Chair of Local School Committee. First appointed 22/06/22, appointed Chair of LSC by Spiral Partnership Trust Board of Directors in September 2023. Health and Safety Governor

Mrs Mandy Abley - Co-opted Representative and Vice Chair. Safeguarding and Inclusion Governor. First appointed 20/00/21 by Spiral Partnership Trust Board of Directors 

Mrs Cathy Longhurst - Headteacher. First appointed by Spiral Partnership Trust Board of Directors in September 2013

Mr Martin Reed - Parent Representative. First appointed by parent election on 13/07/22

Mr Barry Maraj - Parent Representative. First appointed by parent election on 01/09/23

Mrs Kelly Drew - Co-opted Representative. First appointed by Spiral Partnership Trust Board of Directors from 01/09/23 Finance Governor. 

Ms Katie Ellingham - Staff Representative. First appointed by staff election on 18/07/19 and again from 01/09/23

Mrs Laura Williams - Associate Representative and Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs Patsy Harding - Associate Representative and School Business Manager

Rev. Becky Leach - Community representative. First appointed by Spiral Partnership Trust Board of Directors on 01/09/23 and resigned from the LSC in June 2024.

Governor Declarations 2023-24

Governor Attendance 2023-24 (86.4%)

  • E Holloway 5/6
  • M Abley 5/6
  • M Reed 6/6
  • K Drew 6/6
  • B Maraj 4/6
  • K Ellingham 5/6
  • L Williams 5/6
  • C Longhurst 5/6
  • P Harding 6/6
  • (R Leach 4/5)