Organisation and Teaching
There are approximately 400 children at Mandeville Primary School, in classes of between 20 and 30 children.
The teaching team can be found here. In addition to class based staff we also benefit from support by specialist assistants, supporting children for whom English is an additional language and children with Special Educational Needs.
The content of the curriculum has been planned by the whole staff. In the mornings we focus on teaching English and Maths although other subjects may be taught.
In the afternoon learning is organised by themes; children follow a different theme in each year group and this links the learning through all subjects in the curriculum, including science. These themes re changed at the end of each half term.
In addition, all children take part in Physical Education, Personal, Social & Health Education and Religious Education. In KS2, the children learn Latin.
Class newsletters are sent to parents at the start of each half termly topic, outlining the main areas to be covered and how they can support the children's learning at home.
The teachers within the school work as a team to plan activities and share resources. A range of teaching techniques is used as appropriate; no one teaching method dominates. The weekly timetable followed by each class is devised by class teachers. Classes are sometimes split for curriculum activities, enabling small group teaching. The timetables reflect a broad and balanced programme of learning, but prioritises the learning of English, Maths, Science and PSHE as the core curriculum subjects.
All classes are of mixed ability as research shows that this is the most effective way for all to learn. Learning is well matched to the needs of individual children. Children work in groups, as a whole class and individually to ensure progress and work to the highest standard of attainment. Expectations of the children are high in terms of their attitude towards learning, the quality and quantity of work produced and the effort they make in the classroom.