Extra Curricular and Out of School Activities
Children have the opportunity to take part in a variety of voluntary school activities, these currently include athletics and football which are provided by external sports coaches. Gardening, craft, music and art are also part of our after school activities.
School Visits
Your child will have the opportunity to go on a number of visits whilst at the school. These may be local, to museums, parks or places of worship, or they may be further afield, such as the seaside. A yearly plan for these trips with their approximate costs is available in the curriculum section of the website.
School Journey
It has become traditional for children in years 5 and 6 to enjoy a residential stay; the trip is a valued highlight of the children’s time at Mandeville School.
Governors’ Charging Policy
Parents are not asked to pay charges for such activities but a voluntary contribution is requested to cover the costs to the school. No child would ever be prevented from going on a non-residential visit due to non-payment. However, our resources are stretched to the limits to cover necessities. Should a significant number of parents not offer the suggested voluntary contribution, such activities inevitably would no longer be organised.