
Contact Us

Contact us by phone

If you would like to speak to us on the phone, call us on 01727 519220.


Please send your email for the attention of either Mrs C Longhurst, Head Teacher or Mrs P Harding, School Business Manager to


Our SENCO co-ordinator is Mrs. Laura Williams, please send your email to or telephone her on 01727 519220.


Our Chair of Governors is Mr Ed Holloway who can be contacted using this email address:


If you would like paper copies of any of the letters or forms on this site, please get in touch and we can print them for you free of charge.


Write to us                                   Spiral Partnership Trust

Our postal address is:                                         228 Hatfield Road

Mandeville Primary School                                 St. Albans, Herts
St Albans, Herts                                                  AL1 4LW
AL1 2LE                                                               Telephone: 01727 519225



Contact Us:
