
Home School Agreements

To ensure that the children get the most from their education it is essential that we all work together:


Our Home-School Agreement encourages everyone involved to contribute to making a child’s education a happy and  successful one by setting out the roles and responsibilities of everyone in the partnership.


Pupils are asked to agree to....


  • be prepared for lessons with all they equipment I need.
  • do all my class work and homework as well as they can.
  • be kind, polite, friendly and helpful to others.
  • act safely at all times.
  • take good care of school equipment.
  • help to keep the school free from litter.


Parents are asked to agree to….


  • ensure their child arrives at school with appropriate uniform and equipment.
  • ensure their child arrives at school on time and is collected on time.
  • make sure their child attends school regularly and provide an explanation of any absence on, or before, the child’s return to school.
  • support their child in homework and other opportunities for learning at home.
  • attend parent/teacher consultations.
  • let the school know of any concerns or problems which may affect my child’s work or behaviour.


The school agrees to…


  • work to provide a safe and happy environment for children and staff.
  • encourage children to do their best at all times and help them to fulfil their potential.
  • give information to parents about each term’s curriculum and homework timetable.
  • set, mark and monitor school work and home learning.
  • arrange parent/teacher consultations.
  • inform parents if there are concerns about their child's work or behaviour.
  • keep parents informed about the school's activities through regular letters home.
  • encourage children to care for other people and their environment.


These agreements are part of the admissions process and are signed when a child enters the school. They are then kept in the child's file for the duration of their time at the school.  
