Mandeville Values Award

Values Award - Autumn 2023
Since the beginning of the term, Tawsifa has been consistently involved in all of our learning. She listens intently and always shows how much she has learnt through her independent work. She seeks to challenge herself and the progress in her handwriting is fabulous!
I cannot begin to fully explain the kindness Tawsifa has shown to a new member of our class, helping them get to know our routines and supporting them when things are difficult. She has such a calming manner and we are lucky to have her in our class.
Watching her confidence grow as we have practised our nativity has been a real joy. She has not only learnt her lines (which she says with confidence) and the songs, but she also shows great musicality on stage.
I know the whole team agrees with me and feel that Tawsifa is truly deserving of this award.
Despite not always finding things easy, we feel that he has shown himself to be a kind, brave and determined boy who always wants to learn.
Gethin’s kindness is apparent both in the classroom and on the playground. If someone is without a pen or the teacher needs something, Gethin is the first to notice and try to help. He is considerate of others and often puts them before himself. As a friend, Gethin is supportive, encouraging and caring. He takes time to listen and will celebrate their achievements with humility.
At break and lunchtimes, Gethin will go out of his way to make others happy. He is very inclusive on the playground, often playing with those who are feeling lonely, helping younger children or generally trying to boost someone’s day.
If a job needs doing, Gethin is always the first to volunteer. At Mandeville Matters, he involves himself and includes children across different year groups. Gethin is very appreciative of the support he is given by staff, thanking them verbally or by drawing them pictures and cards.
Gethin’s motivation to learn both in class and in one to one sessions is inspiring. He doesn’t find all aspects of learning easy but equally he doesn’t shy away from a challenge, in fact he often asks to do more of what he finds hard and if he makes a mistake he just tries again! We believe that as well as showing that he is a learner, this also demonstrates again Gethin’s bravery.
Gethin, we are lucky to have you and thank you for always showing us the values that we hold so dear at Mandeville.
Values Award - Summer 2023
She has been a fabulous Penguin to teach and I have loved every minute. She has an amazing ability to ignore distractions around her and maintain impeccable learning behaviours. Ava is able to transfer these skills wherever she is, whether it be Forest School, Music, ICT or COOL Time. She is one of the kindest children I have taught, always asking if I need help and checking that I am okay, as well as supporting her peers with their learning. Ava always challenges herself in lessons and responds positively to feedback. I know she has listened carefully as she always knows what to do and produces amazing work.
Patsy Harding
Values Award - Spring 2023
Allie tries her hardest in all subjects and is always happy to share opinions and views. She is caring, inquisitive, adventurous and communicative as well as a reliable and trustworthy friend to everyone in and out of school. Allie is a true friend to all and makes all people laugh with her unusual ideas and warmth. She is happy to adjust games to suit other classmates likes and needs. She is an amazing addition to the class and this is why she has been nominated for this award.
Values Award - Autumn 2022
At the end of last term we received three nominations for the Mandeville Values Award. Any member of our school community can nominate someone for this award, providing Mrs Longhurst with persuasive evidence that the person has role modelled all four of our school values; that they show kindness, they are brave, that they willingly get involve in the community and that they are always learning. Mrs Longhurst really loved that the three nominations were so different; one pupil nominated by a teacher, one pupil nominated by another pupil and one teacher nominated by a pupil! All are very worthy winners of this award and they now wear their values pin badges with pride every day.
Aydy always comes into the classroom with enthusiasm and positivity. Aydy always takes on challenges with a nod and smile and shows bravery in the way he always has a go. Aydy is a big part of the whole school, helping out with school events and joining in with the choir. Aydy is always kind in the way he treats others in the school playground and also the way he is able to sit next to anyone in the classroom and help them with their learning. Aydy is confident in inviting people to join in with activities making others feel included. Aydy makes people smile everyday with his sense of humour and positive attitude. He gives full energy to everything - PE, English, Maths, singing, the daily run and especially 'Just Dance.' Aydy is a wonderful example of a Mandeville Student.
Gabriella always tries really hard in her learning, she checks her work and always tries to improve, especially in her arithmetic tests. Gabriella shows braveness by helping others and asking questions when she needs to and she is not afraid to ask or to try something new. Gabriella has been really kind this term in different ways, for example if she sees someone who looks lonely or down she will ask them if they want to join in with whatever she is doing or if someone gets injured she helps them. Gabriella always shares her ideas and involves herself in group activities. She deserves the Mandeville Values Award.
Ms Castillo
Ms Castillo shows all the Mandeville Values, she is kind because every day the thought of being in her class makes children want to come to school. She is always so positive and cheerful and keeps children happy throughout the day. Ms Castillo shows the value of being brave because she comes in every day to teach Kites. She is involved in all aspects of the school, even taking us to Maths Masterclasses and sporting events and she encourages all children to join in. Ms Castillo is also a learner and admits when she is wrong and helps us to do the same. Ms Castillo is an awesome teacher.
Values Awards - Summer 2022
Isobel has shown all of the Mandeville visions and values this year! She is always aware of everyone’s needs and feelings and shows care and affection without prompt. Isobel makes everyone smile and is a much loved member of the class. Her enthusiasm for learning is infectious and she is both creative and curious about the world.
Isobel is happy to try new things and enjoys taking risks. She has shown us in a number of ways that she understands fairness both for herself and others. She has been a pleasure to teach in the Ladybirds this year!
Lily encompasses all of our values and is an absolute joy to teach. She is kind to all of her friends and peers. She is a perfect role model for the class; respecting our learning environment and always helping everyone. Lily is as resilient as resilient gets. Always trying her best, even when things are really tricky - she will never wobble in her determination to achieve. She is brave and tries new things. She is a great listener and has a fabulous attitude to ALL learning. She also has beautiful manners, greeting and saying goodbye with great eye contact. It has been a pleasure to see her blossom. You're awesome!
Tori is an absolute delight. Extremely kind, patient and loved by all his classmates. He has a strong understanding of right and wrong. He listens intently to all instructions and often stays in to complete his earning to the best of his ability. He is very brave in all aspects of his learning and often helps his peers achieve. He is an inspiration to others when playing sport, due to his natural focus and determination, which he applies to all areas of his learning. We are so sad to see him go; he will be sorely missed. All the best in your new school Tori - you're a legend!
Values Awards - Spring 2022
Felicity has done a fantastic job over the first term in showing all the Mandeville values. After completing the learning around Plastics in the Ocean, Felicity felt so passionately about the issue that she decided to get involved by doing some extra homework. She showed kindness in encouraging people to engage in cleaning beaches and seas. This was a particularly challenging thing for Felicity to do since she often finds writing difficult. I am very proud of Felicity’s passion for this very important issue, and I know that her example will help others to show bravery in standing up for the things they believe in.