Bikeability at Mandeville
Congratulations to the 32 children from years 5 & 6 who completed the Bikeability course over the last week.
They successfully negotiated roads around Mandeville concentrating on making left and right turns correctly, making a stopping U turn and learning the relevant parts of the Highway code. Aflter learning how to maintain and look after your bike and demonstrating their ability to competantly ride their bike they were let out onto the roads - supervised of course!!
This week members of Year 5 and 6 have been learning to ride their bikes on roads safely in Bikeability. We have learnt right turns, signalling and lots of other things. It was very challenging as we were riding on the road with lots of traffic. After this amazing experience we now know a lot more about road safety and the Highway Code. We all would like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to the wonderful instructors for helping us be confident about this complex subject’. ~ by Olivia