Community Picnic
On Friday 5th June the whole school had an amazing time at our Picnic in the Park in memory of Maisha who sadly passed away from Leukaemia last year. We ordered the sun to shine (though not as brightly as we hoped) when all the children from Reception to Year 6 walked to the park on Holyrood Crescent. Whilst at the park we all ate our picnics, played games and released hundreds of environmentally friendly balloons to remember our friend.
The school childrens choir and the community choir both sang as we rememberd how important Maisha was to us all, a collection was taken and everyone had a fantastic time.
Inspired by Maisha, Miss Ellingham then took on the challenge of riding her bike from London to Paris in July, in order to raise more money for MacMillan Cancer Support. Well done Miss Ellingham!!!