Friendship Award
We have a very special boy at our school who has been awarded this term Friendship Award based on this letter from Miss Jones:
Dear Mrs Longhurst,
"This term I believe the friendship award should go to someone in the Hawks class. When you first asked all the teachers who we should give it to, this person’s name popped straight into my head and I was shocked to find out he had not received it already. This boy is a friend to every person he meets and goes out of his way to make sure that every one is happy, learning and laughing.
Last week I set the class some very tricky maths. As I was going round helping everyone, I noticed that he had gone through every single question with another child in my class just to make sure they could succeed.
In ICT, I let year four sit on the sofa if they remember something from the previous lesson. He whispered the answers to others in the class so that they got a chance to sit on the sofas. He constantly, gives away his opportunities and good fortune to others in the class who might miss out.
When ever we do group work, he takes charge and asks every person in the group questions and gives them a warm smile to make sure they are involved, learning and happy. I know that whom ever I pair this boy with in my class, that child will be encouraged, supported and have a good time with their learning.
He also isn’t afraid to tell his class the hard truths. He helps them to make good choices. He is listened to and respected because of this.
He is liked by everyone in the class and is a friend to every single hawk and anyone who has the good fortune to meet him. I am very proud to have Muhtasim in my class. That is why I think he should receive the friendship award".
Merry Christmas
Miss Jones