
Motivational talk

Year 5 and Year 6 enjoyed a motivational talk by ex – Mandeville pupil Hasnat Chowdhury who has recently taken his GCSEs at Nicholas Breakspears.  As a result of his hard work and great attitude to learning, Hasnat was extremely successful in his exams, being awarded six grade 9s (equivalent of above the old A* grade), three grade 8s (equivalent of the old A* grade) and one grade 7 (equivalent of the A grade).

He talked to the children about the importance of a growth mindset, perseverance, belief in yourself and hard work in achieving your goals. He also told the children about what to expect in Year 7 – including detention for not having your PE kit! We are so grateful to Hasnat for giving us his time and his words of wisdom. He spoke with such a confidence and gave a lot of thought to his session. Mandeville is very proud of him!
