Our Shelter Boxes have been deployed!
In the Spring Term 2012, Mandeville School raised over £350 for the Shelter Box Appeal by organising 'The Mandeville Art Gallery,' which show-cased and sold the wonderful artwork of talented artists throughout the school.
The Shelter Box Appeal used the money to buy 2 Shelter boxes, containing shelters and emergency equipment. These boxes have now been deployed!!!! They have been sent to Nigeria where they are helping families devastated by the worst flooding in 50 years, which has forced many families to flee their homes.
For more information, see the Young ShelterBox website. www.youngshelterbox.org
(Our Box Numbers are 5349 and 5351. Once you have logged on to the site, type in the Box No. and press search. You will see Mandeville Primary School listed as a Box Donor. Press 'Track Your Box', on the left hand side of the screen. On the right hand side, under 'Get Tracking', you will need to select 'YSB UK' where it says 'Country'. Enter the Box no. again, then press 'Go'. (If you select just UK, it will track the wrong boxes, it must be 'YSB UK').